Cutler: Counting of Illegal Ballots Defies the Rule of Law

November 15, 2024

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) Friday made the following statement on litigation by Sen. Bob Casey and decisions by Philadelphia, Bucks, and Centre counties to count illegal ballots to try and unseat Sen.-elect Dave McCormick from his newly-won U.S. Senate post:

“Throughout his entire career, Sen. Casey has publicly called for the enforcement of the rule of law and the upholding of judicial norms. However, in the reckless pursuit of his own ‘Big Lie,’ Sen. Casey is doing nothing but showing his true colors as a progressive D.C. swamp creature who will go to any lengths, including breaking the law to overthrow the results of a democratic election, to cling to his delusions of grandeur and power.

“The facts and the law are clear: the election was free and fair, Dave McCormick is our new U.S. senator; a costly, statewide recount is unnecessary and duplicative; and Democrat-controlled counties are now openly defying the courts and the plain language of the election law to try and overturn a legal election result. 

“It is not too late for Sen. Casey to concede and save Pennsylvanians the cost of unnecessary litigation, recounts and questions about the legality of the 2024 election. I call on him to do so immediately.”

Background Information

Here are quotes from Sen. Casey about the need to uphold the rule of law when it comes to elections, something he and his lawyers are asking counties and courts to turn their backs on:

“In order to preserve our democracy, we must protect our elections and ensure all Americans have a voice in their government.” – Jan. 6, 2022

“Our democracy is only as strong as those who are willing to uphold it.” – Oct. 13, 2022

“As a nation, we cannot advance our shared democratic values without consequences for those who have betrayed those values…There should also be accountability for those members of Congress who led the effort to overthrow a democratic election.” – Jan. 11, 2021

Republican Leader Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives


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