Continued Legislative, Budgetary Failure is the Price of Unnecessary Political Games, Cutler Says

August 31, 2023

HARRISBURG – As Pennsylvania’s government will enter September without a completed state budget, House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) noted the critical funding that has yet to be approved is the hallmark of a months-long budget failure that has Pennsylvanians paying the price of unnecessary political games.

“The fact that we are staring down Sept. 1 without a completed state budget is an undeniable failure of Democrats to lead the Pennsylvania House of Representatives successfully this session,” Cutler said. “By continuing to play unnecessary political games and govern until the next election, Democrats in the House are jeopardizing critical funding for services and sectors Pennsylvanians rely on each and every day. Simply put, House Democrats are putting politics, and the protection of their majority, over people.”

Since necessary Fiscal Code legislation that directs how budget money is to be spent has not been passed, funding for important programs cannot be driven out, including:
Support for hospitals in Pennsylvania.
Funding to combat and mitigate the effects of Avian Flu.
Increased funding for Emergency Medical Services.
Increased spending for school choice options. 

This latest budgetary crisis is a continuation of the least productive first quarter in any modern legislative term that saw just six non-budget-related bills enacted.

“The most glaring example can be seen with some students who were forced to return to a known failing school this week because of the failure of House Democrat leaders to give these children an educational lifeline through scholarships to attend a school of their choice. Other victims of the House Democrat’s politics-over-people management strategy are hospitals and EMS organizations that await needed funding, and poultry farmers who were impacted by Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Worse yet, each day the price on taxpayers to rectify these ongoing issues only goes up,” Cutler said. 

“House Republicans have put forward a people-driven, future-focused set of ideas to truly help Pennsylvanians and address their concerns. Let’s stop the failure and start moving Pennsylvania forward.”

Republican Leader Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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