House Provides Resources to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic
May 28, 2020
HARRISBURG – Today the House of Representatives appropriated over $2.6 billion in federal funds aimed at addressing the myriad of challenges that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Included in the legislation was $625 million for counties, $225 million for small businesses, $632 million to protect the elderly population and $260 million to help those with intellectual disabilities.
“We want to thank our partners in the U.S. House and Senate, along with President Trump, for their leadership to provide these resources to our state,” House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said. “This pandemic has challenged our first responders, threatened our food supply and been especially hurtful to our seniors.”
The plan passed in Senate Bill 1108 appropriates approximately $2.6 billion out of the $3.9 billion that the federal government has sent to Pennsylvania in the Coronavirus Relief Fund.
“Since the beginning of this crisis our nursing homes and long-term living facilities have faced the greatest hardship with this disease,” Speaker of the House Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) said. “This bill will provide critical resources that will help turn the tide in the battle against this pandemic. Our senior population has been shown to be the most vulnerable to this illness. The resources that are provided in this legislation will help to protect this vulnerable population.”
The legislation will also make $225 million available to assist small businesses.
“The government shutdown of our economy has disproportionately hurt small businesses throughout our state,” House Appropriations Committee Chair Stan Saylor (R-York) said. “While big box stores are seeing record profits, our small businesses are facing unprecedented hardship. The $225 million that we are allocating in this bill will provide some relief to these businesses as we begin the process of reopening our economy.”
Senate Bill 1108 now heads to the Senate for approval before it can go to the governor to be signed into law. This legislation builds on the General Appropriations bill, which has passed the House and Senate. The General Appropriations bill is a stabilizing budget that provides five months of funding, but fully funds basic education and higher education for the entire year.
County Distribution
Federal Funding Distribution
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
House Republican Caucus
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