May. 20, 2020

Veto override vote does not receive two-thirds majority required by Constitution

HARRISBURG – Tonight Gov. Tom Wolf’s veto, which ensures millions of Pennsylvanians forced into a dysfunctional unemployment system by no actions of their own have to stay there indefinitely, will remain in place after a veto override vote fell short of the two-thirds majority required by Pennsylvania’s Constitution.

A bipartisan majority of the chamber voted for overriding House Bill 2388, but the secrecy and lack of a coherent reopening plan from the governor remains in place at this time.

“Gov. Wolf has shown time and again, he is not listening to the voices of Pennsylvanians whose livelihoods are being destroyed by this pandemic response,” House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said. “This bill would have allowed a variety of businesses to safely reopen in the same way national retailers, government offices and countless other businesses approved by this administration are currently working. Instead, these Pennsylvanians, and the families who depend on their income, will continue to suffer.”

The vetoed legislation would have reopened auto dealers, lawn and garden centers, hair salons, barber shops, pet groomers and manufacturers.

“The governor, and some members of the House, clearly believe certain workers in our communities are not essential, or life-sustaining,” Cuter added. “Would Gov. Wolf tell the children of these families that their mother’s or father’s job, which pays for their home and their food, is not essential? I strongly disagree. If you support your family – your job is essential.”

Wolf’s administration has changed reopening plans, rescinded waivers and acted without input and approval from the General Assembly throughout this pandemic. While tonight’s vote fell short of the majority required under the Constitution, a motion to reconsider was filed, and the House could revisit the motion in the future.

Representative Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives