House Republicans Make Progress in Path to COVID-19 Recovery

Apr. 21, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – House Republicans continue to carry the voices of Pennsylvanians fighting to save their jobs and livelihoods during this pandemic, acting this week to once again save jobs, launch a cost and recovery task force, and put a hold on expensive and burdensome regulatory practices during the emergency declaration. House Republicans passed an amended version of Senate Bill 327, as well as other substantive legislative measures.

House Leader Responds to Wolf Announcements

Apr. 20, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – House Majority Leader Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) issued the following statement regarding Governor Tom Wolf’s announcement to open certain segments of the economy and his veto of Senate Bill 613:

Food Supply Chain Needs Urgent Action

Apr. 17, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Recognizing the urgent need to address immediate challenges impacting the food supply chain across Pennsylvania, House Republicans have urged Gov. Tom Wolf to protect employees, address supply capacity rates and address a packaging material shortage that is resulting in an untold amount of food waste at a time when the state and country need those resources the most.

House Republicans Act to Save Family-Sustaining Jobs

Apr. 14, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – After hearing from thousands upon thousands of frustrated and concerned Pennsylvanians, House Republicans acted today to pass legislation which would require transparency and consistency in how the governor determines which businesses can operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cutler Addresses House Expense Transparency

Apr. 08, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Following through with a promise to promote greater transparency in expenses incurred by members and staff in the House of Representatives, House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) has offered a resolution to amend the House Rules to subject expense reports to Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law.

School Safety Grant Money on the Way to Lancaster County

Feb. 26, 2020 /

HARRISBURG — House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) announced today that the School Safety and Security Committee awarded $53.7 million in School Safety and Security Grants to school districts, vocational schools, intermediate units and charter schools across the state, including 17 school districts in Lancaster County and three in the 100th district.

House Republican Leaders Call for Spending Slow Down

Feb. 04, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – House Republican leaders reacted to the governor’s call to increase state spending by $2 billion for fiscal year 2020-21. The governor presented his $36 billion spending proposal today in front of a joint session of the General Assembly.

House GOP Leaders: Don’t Change What Isn’t Broken

Feb. 03, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – House Republican leaders today agreed with some of the findings of the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee’s (LBFC) year-long study into the medical malpractice venue issue but were disappointed that the bipartisan, bicameral committee stopped short in asking for the state’s highest court to abandon its proposal to revoke the current venue rule.

Cutler Reminds Wolf: Wages Keep Rising

Jan. 28, 2020 /

House Majority Leader Cutler responds to Wolf’s call to raise minimum wage to $15 per hour HARRISBURG – House Majority Leader Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) issued the following statement:

House Republicans Take Lead to Address Human Trafficking Crisis

Jan. 22, 2020 /

House Republicans Take Lead to Address Human Trafficking Crisis

HARRISBURG – Continuing efforts to combat human trafficking in Pennsylvania, the House will be voting on a package of bills designed to guarantee the well-being of victims, protect their privacy and make it safer for them to testify against their abusers.

Lawmakers, Advocates Highlight Efforts to Fight Human Trafficking

Jan. 17, 2020 /

WHAT: A press conference to detail and answer questions about a package of bills to fight human trafficking. The package is designed to guarantee the safety of victims, protect their privacy and make it safer for them to testify against their abusers. Since 2007, there have been more than 1,200 human trafficking cases in the Commonwealth.

House to Act on ‘Smart Justice’ Package of Probation and Justice Reforms

Dec. 11, 2019 /

HARRISBURG-- Leaders in the House this week announced the chamber will take up a bipartisan package of bills next week to reform Pennsylvania’s probation and parole system, to reduce recidivism and to help formerly incarcerated individuals find jobs that will help them avoid some of the pitfalls that keep many in the state’s penal system.